A paper written with Thierry Kirat on "The Regulatory Practice of the French Financial
Regulator, 2006-2011 – From Substantive to Procedural Financial Regulation".
Regulatory Practice of the French Financial Regulator, 2006-2011 – From Substantive
to Procedural Financial Regulation”,, Journal of Governance and Regulation, volume 4- 2015, Issue 4 (continued –
4), pp.441- 450.
Its short abstract :
Fraud and misconduct in financial markets have recently become a key
regulatory issue against the backdrop of the financial crisis. This paper
investigates the sanctions policy and practices of the French financial
regulator, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF). It argues that, over time,
the AMF has shifted from substantive to procedural regulation of finance. This
shift consists in departing from sanctions based on observed outcomes in the
market and, instead, assessing how the internal organizational schemes of
financial firms actually perform. The AMF's new policy and practice involves a
process of legalization of organizations; it also evidences a tendency to
delegate regulation to financial firms themselves.
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