mercredi 5 août 2015

L'abus de dépendance économique entre droit de la concurrence et droit des contrats : abuse of economic dependence between competition law and contract law

Une journée d'études sur l'abus de dépendance économique dans le cadre du GREDEG sera organisée à la Faculté de droit  et de Science Politique de Nice.

Les travaux se dérouleront en anglais et en français.

Voici le programme de la journée

Abuses of economic dependence, between competition and contract laws:
EU and Member States Law Perspectives

Monday, September 21th 2015
Faculty of Law – Nice – Salle du Conseil - 10h-17h
Patrice Bougette, Frédéric Marty, and Patrice Reis (coordinators)

Opening Speeches (10h-10h15)
-          Michel Rainelli, Nice Sophia Antipolis University Vice-President  
-          Christian Vallar, Faculty of Law Dean
-          Patrick Musso, Director of the GREDEG

First Session (10h15-12h30):  Abuse of Economic Dependence and Competition Law
Chairman: Michel Rainelli (Nice Sophia Antipolis University)
1.                   Exploitative abuse and abuse of economic dependence : an industrial economics approach (Patrice Bougette & Frédéric Marty, CNRS and Nice Sophia Antipolis University)
2.                   An institutional economics based perspective on the abuse of economic power (Oliver Budzinski, Technische Universität Ilmenau)
3.                   Is competition law a relevant tool to address such issues? (David Bosco, Aix Marseille University)
4.                   Can we dispose from appropriate tools to characterise such abuses in the framework of an effects-based approach of EU competition law? (Nicolas Petit, University of Liege)
5.                   Abuse of economic dependence and competition law – Italian case (Philipp Fabbio, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria)

Lunch break

Second Session (13h15-16h15): Abuse of Economic Dependence and Contract Law
Chairman: Mehdi Mezaguer (Nice Sophia Antipolis University)
1.                   Abuse of economic dependence from competition law to contract law – French case (Patrice Reis, Nice Sophia Antipolis University)
2.                   French 2008 Law on restrictive practices and the notion of significant disequilibria in contract law (Eva Mouial, Nice Sophia Antipolis University)
3.                   The objective control of contractual disequilibria (Faustine Jacomino, Nice Sophia Antipolis University)

A French lawyer’s perspective (16h15-16h45)
-          Economic dependence and contractual disequilibria in practice  (Jean-Louis Fourgoux, cabinet Fourgoux et Associés)

Concluding Remarks (16h45-17h)
-          Marina Teller, Director of the GREDEG Law Department (Nice Sophia Antipolis University)

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