jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Commitment procedures in European Competition Law Enforcement: Towards a regulation logic?

An article (again in French) published in the last issue of Publics Economics (Economie Publique) titled "Towards a Regulation of the European Energy Sector through Commitment Procedures in  Competition law? Some Lines of Enquiry"

Its abstract : The systematic use of commitments in the European energy sector competition case-law seems to achieve, through individual decisions, the Commission’s initial objectives of the Third Package negotiations. This article aims at analyzing to what extend antitrust remedies could go beyond the mere correction of abuses and could contribute to a regulation of competition. Judicial review, in terms of proportionality control, and the Commission’s degrees of freedom in negotiated procedures question not only competition policy and sector-specific regulation respective scopes but also European competition policy theoretical foundations.

« Une régulation du secteur de l’énergie au travers des procédures d’engagements ? Réflexions sur le contentieux concurrentiel européen », Economie Publique, vol. 26-27, 2011-1/2, pp.93-128, 2012.

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