jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Rapport de l'Assemblée Nationale sur la politique européenne de concurrence

Rapport d'information d'Isabelle Bruneau pour la Commission des affaires européennes de l'Assemblée Nationale sur la politique européenne de concurrence

lundi 28 juillet 2014

La soutenabilité budgétaire des PPP - Colloque de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole sur les contrats de partenariats 25/26 septembre 2014

Communication sur la question de la soutenabilité budgétaire des engagements liés aux PPP dans le cadre du colloque organisé les 25 et 26 septembre par l'IDETCOM de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole sur l'avenir des contrats de partenariats public-privé dix ans après leur création.

(PPPs and affordability issues - fiscal sustainability)

mardi 22 juillet 2014

When Economics met Antitrust : document de travail du GREDEG

Mise en ligne d'un nouveau document de travail du GREDEG cosigné avec Patrice Bougette et Marc Deschamps.

Ce dernier porte sur l'économicisation du droit de la concurrence américain (en regard de l'approche par les effets préconisée en droit européen) et met un accent particulier sur l'influence de la seconde école de Chicago.

Comme son appellation l'indique ce document est un "work in progress" et va très prochainement être modifié.

In this article,we use a history of economic thought perspective to analyze the process by which the Chicago School of Antitrust emerged in the 1950s and became dominant in the US. We show the extent to which economic objectives and theoretical views shaped antitrust laws in their inception. After establishing the minor influence of economics in the promulgation of US competition laws, we then highlight US economists’ very cautious views about antitrust until the Second New Deal. We analyze the process by which the Chicago School developed a general and coherent framework for competition policy. We rely mainly on the seminal and programmatic work of Director and Levi (1956) and trace how this theoretical paradigm was made collective, i.e. the “economization” process took place in US antitrust. Finally, we discuss the implications, if not the possible pitfalls, of such a conversion to economics - led competition law enforcement.

Bougette P., Deschamps M. et Marty F., (2014), "When Economics met Antitrust: The Second Chicago School and the Economization of Antitrust Law", Working Paper GREDEG, n° 2014-23, 35 p.

jeudi 17 juillet 2014

Contrat de partenariat relatif à l'écotaxe poids-lourds : le reportage de Public Sénat sur la Commission d'enquête sur le contrat Ecomouv'

Le lien vers la reportage de Public Sénat reprenant les travaux de la Commission d'enquête du Sénat sur le contrat Ecomouv'.

jeudi 10 juillet 2014

IPPP - Risks and Opportunities : an economic perspective (in EPPPL 2/2014)

Just published in EPPPL (European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review) the paper written with Julie de Brux (Chaire EPPP - Sorbonne Business School / Vinci Concessions) on Institutionalised Public-Private Partnerships,-an-economic-perspective

Our article analyzes some of the issues raised by institutionalized public-private partnerships in an economic perspective. We demonstrate that although they may address some of the main limits of purely contractual public-private partnerships, such as the issues of control, know-how transfer, or additional financial cost, they may induce some intrinsic risks, related to alterations of the contractual incentive structure and judicial challenges. Based on economic theory, we stem some recommendations and comments about the adequacy of legal requirements with economic normative views.

jeudi 3 juillet 2014

EU Competition Policy : a theory of convention based approach

The slides of the AFEP 2014 congress communication are available online

This communication deals with a theory of convention based approach of the European competition policy.

It was presented in a session organized by Rainer Diaz- Bone : "conventions and law : an historical perspective".

The papers presented will be enclosed in special issue of Historical Social Research, vol.40, n°1, at the end of the year