mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Remedies in abuse of dominant position cases: An economic analysis of the EU Commission's decisions

Available on ssrn the paper published with Patrice Bougette : "What Remedies for Abuses of Dominant Positions? An Economic Analysis of the EC's Decisions"

An abstract in English as the downloadable document is in French :
Among other factors, one can assess the efficacy of a competition authority by its ability to choose and implement its remedies. Up until now, a dense economic literature has emerged on retrospective merger studies to measure the efficacy of merger control. Yet, little attention has been given to remedies in the other major pillar of competition policy, i.e. abuses of dominant position. In this paper, we try to fill the gap by first highlighting what is at stake and second analyse the most emblematic cases. We focus on the European Commission, while U.S. cases serve us as benchmark.

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